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1060 E Green St #203, Pasadena, CA 91106
Pasadena Dentist - Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian

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How to Look After your Implants and Dentures?

How to Look After your Implants and Dentures?

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, you can choose from different options like removable dentures, bridges, and implants. Just like our natural teeth, artificial teeth also need to be looked after properly if we want them to last for a long time. This article discusses how you can look after the two most common tooth replacement options - the implants and the removable dentures - to enjoy a beautiful, lasting, healthy smile.

Caring for Your Implants

An implant is a small screw-shaped fixture that your dentist in Pasadena will insert directly into the jaw bone - to serve as a replacement root. Over time, bone tissue grows around the implant and anchors it firmly within the bone, allowing it to support artificial teeth. Whether you need a single, more than once, or all the missing teeth in a jaw, dental implants are one of the most reliable and durable tooth replacement options.

Dental implants look, function, and feel just like natural teeth. Also, they don’t have any special care requirements; you can look after them just like you do for your own teeth. The American Academy of Periodontology recommends brushing your teeth daily, flossing at least once a day, and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups to ensure that your implants last for a lifetime and give you a bright, sparkling white smile.

Your implants can last for a lifetime if you look after them properly, like your own teeth. However, if you do not maintain optimal oral hygiene, you risk developing inflammation around the soft tissues of the implants - which may ultimately lead to implant failure.

Caring for Your Dentures

Removable dentures are a cost-effective, time-tested, and reliable option for replacing missing teeth. Unlike the implants that are directly embedded in the bone, dentures rely on the underlying soft tissues, jawbone, and healthy teeth for their support and retention.

Dentures have slightly higher maintenance and aftercare requirements than implants. To make them last for many years, the American Dental Association recommends keeping your dentures in water or a denture storage solution when you are not wearing them. Similarly, make sure to clean your dentures by rinsing them in lukewarm water after you eat or drink anything. You may also use a commercial denture cleansing solution for the same purpose. Failure to clean your denture may result in food impaction that will promote bacterial and fungal growth and may cause soft tissue inflammation. More importantly, never wash your dentures with hot water as they may get misshapen due to warpage and may not fit anymore.

Whether it is your natural teeth or artificial ones, they need to be looked after if you want to have a healthy set of teeth that allow you to eat and speak without difficulty and give you a beautiful smile. More importantly, regular visits to your dentist in Pasadena can go a long way in ensuring that you enjoy a perfect oral health and a sparkling set of teeth.

Location: 1060 E Green St #203, Pasadena, CA 91106


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Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian

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