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1060 E Green St #203, Pasadena, CA 91106
Pasadena Dentist - Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian

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How to fix a gummy smile?

How to fix a gummy smile?

You take a selfie with your friends and try to smile so the picture captures a memorable moment. Then you see the photo on your gallery and realize, "My gums show when I smile." A gummy smile is a condition where the gums are visible in an excessive amount when one smiles or talks, making it look aesthetically unappealing. This aesthetic concern can have various causes, including genetic factors, specific health conditions, or certain medications. In this blog, we will discuss the grounds of a gummy smile and the treatments available at Prestige Dental for improving your smile and restoring your confidence in Pasadena.

What is a gummy smile?

Having a 'gummy smile' is a common concern for many people, and it can be embarrassing or even make someone feel less attractive. A gummy smile, medically known as excessive gingival display, is a dental condition where the gums show prominently when smiling. It is a common problem that can be caused by excessive gum tissue or a short upper lip, which causes the teeth to appear too small.

Causes of a Gummy Smile

Numerous factors can contribute to a gummy smile, including genetics, certain health conditions, or how your teeth and jaw develop. One common cause is the overgrowth of the upper jaw, known as maxillary excess, which results in an over-prominent upper jaw. Another cause can be the abnormal eruption of teeth, causing them to appear short though they are of proper length. Hyperactive upper lip muscles can also lead to a gummy smile, as they cause the upper lip to rise higher than usual when smiling.

A consultation with our dentists like Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian and Dr. Megan Doudian at Prestige Dental in Pasadena is crucial if you notice you have a gummy smile. They can help diagnose the cause and evaluate your oral health, considering factors like gum health, tooth decay, and bone structure. They may take X-rays or make a dental impression to understand your teeth and jaw alignment better, then discuss your aesthetic goals and potential treatment options.

What is the best treatment for a Gummy Smile?

At Prestige Dental in Pasadena, some effective gummy smile treatments can help to enhance and improve your teeth. Our dentists might recommend a gum recontouring treatment, often called gum reshaping or tissue sculpting, which is an effective procedure for addressing a 'gummy' smile. The process can be completed in one visit and it begins administering a local anesthetic to numb the area and minimize discomfort. A soft tissue laser gently removes and reshapes the excess gum tissue.

The laser also seals the tissue as it works, reducing the risk of infection and promoting faster healing. Lastly, for cases where the teeth are too short, crown lengthening or porcelain veneers can be used to increase the visible length of the teeth. It's essential to consult a dental professional to determine the best solution for each case.

In closing, a gummy smile is a common dental concern that can affect a person's confidence and self-esteem. However, it's entirely addressable with advancements in dental technology and the expertise of skilled dentists like Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian and Dr. Megan Doudian here at Prestige Dental in Pasadena. A consultation with a dental professional is the first step towards achieving the smile you've always desired. Smile with confidence, knowing you're in good hands with Prestige Dental.

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Location: 1060 E Green St #203, Pasadena, CA 91106


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Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian

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