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1060 E Green St #203, Pasadena, CA 91106
Pasadena Dentist - Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian

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Ensure your kids are ready for school with a dental checkup!

Ensure your kids are ready for school with a dental checkup!

As summer winds down and the school year approaches, it's more important than ever to make sure your child’s oral health is in top shape. Amidst the rush for new clothes, school supplies, and the perfect backpack, one thing that often gets overlooked yet is vital for a smooth start to the new academic year - a dentist appointment checkup.

You can trust our Kid-Friendly Dental Office at Prestige Dental in Pasadena and our dentists' experience and dedication to children's oral health, Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian and Dr. Megan Doudian. This blog will explain why a healthy mouth contributes to overall well-being, boosts confidence, and ensures good performance for your kids throughout the school year.

How often should a child have a dental check-up?

In the case of children, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, they should have a dental checkup at least twice a year. However, individual needs may vary, and parents must consult with our Pasadena dentists, Dr. Bouzoghlanian and Dr. Doudian, to determine the appropriate frequency of visits.

These dental visits are essential for early identification and treatment of potential dental issues. However, if a child is at higher risk of tooth decay or other oral health problems, our dentists at Prestige Dental may recommend more frequent visits. These routine dental visits ensure healthy teeth and gums and instill the importance of good oral hygiene at home and school.

Good oral health can significantly impact a student's academic performance. A toothache or oral discomfort can become a major distraction, making it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork. Moreover, serious oral health issues may lead to school absences, hindering academic progress.

Do dentists clean your teeth during a checkup?

Typically during a teeth checkup and clean appointment at Prestige Dental, our dentists will thoroughly clean to remove plaque build-up, followed by examining your children's teeth, gums, and mouth. Our team will check for any signs of cavities or problems with alignment and may recommend treatments accordingly. This may involve using special tools and a mirror to examine hard-to-see areas. Consequently, X-rays might be taken to identify any hidden problems within the teeth or jawbone to have a profound overall picture.

The visit often concludes with applying fluoride treatment to strengthen tooth enamel and protect against cavities. Always with a few words from our dentists and some tips and recommendations that will help maintain your kid's oral health.

How do I prepare my child for a dental checkup?

Preparing your child for a dental checkup at Prestige Dental can be easier with the right approach. Start by explaining the process simply and reassuringly, focusing on the positive aspects. Use playful stories or children's books about dental visits to make it more relatable. You can also conduct mock visits at home, transforming a toothbrush into the dentist's tool while explaining the steps in a fun, light-hearted manner.

Before the appointment, note any oral issues your child has been experiencing, such as tooth pain, sensitivity, or bleeding gums. This personalized log gives our dentists essential clues about their current situation. It not only assists them in diagnosing potential issues promptly but also enables them to develop a more accurate, individualized treatment plan.

Additionally, avoid feeding them sticky, sugary foods or strong-smelling items like garlic, onions, and truffle-flavored chips. Remember to brush and floss their teeth thoroughly after meals and before the appointment to ensure a clean oral environment. And lastly, arrive early to complete the necessary paperwork and relax before your checkup begins.

In summary, dental checkups are paramount for maintaining good oral health and catching potential issues before they become serious problems. This is particularly essential for children, where oral health can impact their academic performance. With the resumption of everyday activities, it's high time to prioritize dental checkups, ensuring a solid foundation for long-term oral health. Whether you're an adult or a child, schedule a dental appointment at our dental office in Pasadena, our team will guide you through the process. Remember, your smile is an asset; invest in it wisely.

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Location: 1060 E Green St #203, Pasadena, CA 91106


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Dr. Vasag Bouzoghlanian

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